For a day trip, we took the train to Viareggio. It is a beautiful touristy beach area. Very soft sand, lots of shops to eat at along the bolevard. Allie and I just got back from picking up some lunch to eat on the beach.

Here is my part of the room. I didn't post the close up pictures of the paintings above my bed, but they are sure great to look at before falling asleep. I did however post what is next to Katie's bed below...

Nothing says sweet dreams like being eaten by a shark... haha. The dad is actually very interested in the arts. A couple nights ago, we had a teacher from a different school who is here to review the program to dinner and he told her all about some pieces that are in the living room.

I am standing next to Katie's bed and mine is to the right. We both have a desk and our terrace is outside of those windows. Katie is in her "office..." it's the best place she can bumb internet off the neighbors...

Katie and I walk to school every day. This is a picture of the creek we walk by and cross. Today we thought we heard ducks... but then when we looked down we saw a ton of frogs! Now I like the creek even more...
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