Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Siena and Sun

Walking around Siena... a view of one of the side streets. I think what I enjoyed most about this trip was being able to wander around the city on my own. I like that for class we go to so many different places, but we have to stay together in a group and don't really have time to see things for ourselves, so day trips are a must.
View of the city from a hill we wandered up. The bus was really easy to take, too. It cost about 13 euro for a round trip fare and it has a bus stop with a time table like a inner city bus. I think I like taking the bus a lot more than the train just because we can see so much more countryside as we wind around on the roads.
Myself, Caitlyn and Katie standing in front of their HUGE catherdral. Again, I really enjoyed wandering around it on my own. I may not know all of it's history, but as of now, it stands out in my mind as my favorite catherdral we have been to. It was also very beautiful and sunny for most of the day!
The inside of the cathedral. I loved when someone in a horizontal stripped shirt would walk in front of the columns... there is a man behind Katie who is a good example... also reminded me a little bit of Where's Waldo. Haha. My favorite part was the library. It was a room that displayed many of their books, but the frescos were in amazing condition and it was wonderful to just sit in the room and stare at the walls.
Back in Florence, Katie and I reading art history on our terrace. We really like our terrace...


This is the whole group sitting on the steps in Venice, learning some art history.
Katie and I on our gondola ride! It was a quick one (just across the canal for 0.50 euro), but hey... now I can say I've been on a gondola in Venice! It was so beautiful there and like how I pictured it. I liked that there weren't any cars and it was really nice to me around water again. Made me really excited for this summer and Seattle!
Katie and I with the pigeon square behind us.
I don't know why every town doesn't paint it's buildings in beautiful colors... so wonderful.
The canal that our hotel was on. Minus the food poisoning, it was a short, but really fun trip.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

More of the first week in Florence

We had a day trip to Perguia and Assisi. A view of Assisi.
To go into the catherdral there, they gave us these weird head sets... needless to say, we were entertained by them for quite awhile.
Florence is so beautiful. After a week, I have a much better feeling of where things are. Katie and I have a very lovely walk to school everyday. We even found a large grocery store that sold peanut butter!
At an amazing resutrant called Aqua Al Due for Katie's 21st birthday. In the picture: Me, Heidi (my roommate in London), and Allie.
Katie and I after dinner. I'm very lucky to have her as a roommate!

Firenze, Italia

First day of class! Welcome to Florence!!
Inside of the Baptisry dome.
Katie and my sweet terrace that we have all to ourselves.
Maggie, myself, and Carolyn sitting on the steps of the Duomo waiting for class.
Katie and my room in Florence. A very nice area. We get to walk to school every day and half of our walk is next to a really pretty creek.

Crete, Greece

View from one of the many hikes Charlie and I did from our Villa. The house we stayed in is one towards the top of the hill. It was really nice to be above the whole village.
We had an AMAZING view. This is what I looked at while I read every morning. We had mountains to our left, wrapping all the way behing our house, and to the right was all water and coast line.
Hiking in the mountains.
One night, the five of us went to a resturant for a true Greek meal. It was very good, and very filling. This is the place we ate at.

Walking home... so beautiful. I spent everyday reading, sitting in the sun, and hiking around.

Last of London

Katie and I holding cupcakes from the famous Hummingbird Cafe. We went out to celebrate Allie's 21st birthday!
The gang at our favorite pub called the Cheshire Cheese.
Caitlyn and I at the Orangery, having some tea and dessert.
One of my last days in London with Kate. We went to Borough Market. On display is one of the best brownies I have ever had in my life! I miss Kate already, I wish she could be in Florence with all of us right now...
Our front door on Earl's Court Road. To the right was a really good grocery store.


For one of my long weekends, Kate, Katie, and I went to visit Mailys and Katie's friend Allison, in Paris. Pictured starting from the left: Mailys, Me, Katie, Allison, Kate. Mailys was my exchange student from when I went and lived in Nantes, France over four years ago! Here we are at a Mosque having some tea. My only suvinire from Paris was that tea cup.
Katie, myself, and Kate in front of the Notre Dame... just to point out where we are.
Mailys and I by the river. It was so good to see her. I am planning on another trip at the end of my travels to see her again. Four years was too long to go without seeing one another!
Kate and I at Maily's appartment, eating snails.
Our market goodies we picked up on Saturday morning. It was amazing that after a solid three years of not speaking French, I was able to pick it back up very quickly!